The GIB mission is to inspire and accelerate a mainstream transition to sustainable, resilient and regenerative infrastructure.

Who we are.

Established in 2008, we are a Swiss non-profit foundation based in Basel. Our interdisciplinary team has backgrounds in engineering, ecology, business and finance, urban planning, humanities, sustainability, communications and law – areas that we combine to work on infrastructure projects which lead to more inclusive, sustainable and resilient communities and ecosystems.

What we do.

The GIB vision is a world in which investments in social, economic, and physical infrastructure leads to inclusive, sustainable, and resilient communities and ecosystems. GIB is more than a consultancy firm; we’re passionate, professional, and visionary experts that work within the complex world of infrastructure development and sustainability. We work to bridge the gap between on-the-ground infrastructure development and international discourse to shift the global agenda. We are committed to bringing diverse actors together , connecting the dots and creating solutions that address multifaceted challenges and leading to innovative solutions.

Our Strategic Pillars.

Infrastructure and Nature

Infrastructure and Nature

Infrastructure and natural ecosystems are intricately connected, and understanding their relationship is crucial for sustainable development. By recognizing the value of natural ecosystems and integrating nature-based solutions into infrastructure design and development, GIB is working on creating a harmonious balance between human needs and environmental protection.

Infrastructure and Nature

Infrastructure and The Next Generation

Next-generation infrastructure prioritizes the development of interconnected systems that are intelligent, efficient, and resilient, tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations. GIB champions the active engagement of young people, leveraging their creativity, innovation, and profound understanding of evolving technology to shape this infrastructure.

Infrastructure and Nature

Infrastructure Quality and Finance

Prioritising sustainability investments is critical for transitioning to a low-carbon economy, requiring the unlocking of private finance. GIB aids investors in identifying responsible investment opportunities and develops sustainable finance tools, models, and assessment frameworks to capture and communicate the multidimensional impacts of sustainable infrastructure projects.

Our Services.

GIB assists you in aligning your infrastructure portfolio with sustainability and resilience best practice, thereby reducing future risks, pre-empting regulation, and improving positive impact. We also offer training seminars to up-skill your team in a range of sustainable infrastructure topics.

GIB provides capacity building and consulting to government agencies seeking to improve infrastructure project design to meet international best practice, reducing risk, increasing resilience and benefits to society and the environment.

GIB offers consulting, training and sustainability assessment to help you improve project design, stakeholder buy-in and attract better finance.

GIB assists you in designing and implementing programs that create long-lasting impact and trigger system-wide change for a better world.

GIB frequently engages in partnerships/ consortia for EU and international proposals. We can contribute with our expertise in sustainable and resilient infrastructure, namely in Nature-based Solutions, youth safety, youth participation and innovation processes and infrastructure finance, among others.


Standard setting, Certification and Assurance

Sustainable Finance Advisory Services

b3lineicon|b3icon-users-group||Users Group

Designing and Implementing Multi-Stakeholder Programs

b3lineicon|b3icon-user-network||User Network

Thought Leadership and Advocacy


Technical Assistance and Training


Standard setting, Certification and Assurance

Designing and implementing tools like the FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure® Label, a globally applicable  label for infrastructure projects/assets demonstrating significant positive sustainability performance and SURE for infrastructure design & performance assessment with a strong 3rd party assurance system.


Sustainable Finance Advisory Services

Providing financiers credible and independent expertise to capitalize on ESG best-practices, and supporting the development of innovative financing mechanisms for sustainable infrastructure such as sustainable impact bonds, advancing research to demonstrate the superior business case for sustainable and resilient infrastructure.

See projects

b3lineicon|b3icon-users-group||Users Group

Designing and Implementing Multi-Stakeholder Programs

Convening multi- stakeholder approaches across sectors and regions to influence global discourse and bridge the gap between projects and funders.

See projects

b3lineicon|b3icon-user-network||User Network

Thought Leadership and Advocacy

Pioneering new approaches to create global change, such as the development of a sustainable and resilient infrastructure asset class, and providing knowledge products and platforms for change for Nature-based Solutions, green and hybrid infrastructure.

See projects


Technical Assistance and Training

Providing technical assistance and strengthening the capacity of public, private and financial stakeholders to create infrastructure that delivers enhanced environmental, social and governance outcomes.

See projects

Why we do it.

We consider sustainable and resilient infrastructure an essential building block to reach the SDGs. It has the power to shape how we meet today’s challenges of rising inequalities, urban sprawl, demographic changes, environmental degradation and biodiversity loss – all exacerbated by the impacts of climate change.


professionals trained

52.9 bn USD

total CAPEX of assessed infrastructure projects


No. of countries we are active in

b3lineicon|b3icon-skyscraper||Sky Scraper

Cities, Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction


Nature Based Solutions and Biodiversity


Inclusivity, Empowerment and Youth Engagement

Infrastructure and Climate Change

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Improving Finance for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

b3lineicon|b3icon-skyscraper||Sky Scraper

Cities, Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction

GIB contributes to improving the resilience of cities and populations through infrastructure that can adapt, recover and withstand shocks and stresses, such as those caused by climate change, migration and urbanisation.

See projects


Nature Based Solutions and Biodiversity

GIB contributes to health, inclusivity, biodiversity and climate adaptation by promoting Nature based Solutions (NbS), green infrastructure and green-grey ‘hybrid solutions’.

See projects


Inclusivity, Empowerment and Youth Engagement

GIB contributes to an inclusive and equitable society by promoting infrastructure that is child-friendly, gender sensitive and provides services for the most vulnerable which complies with human and labor rights in its planning and construction.

See projects

Infrastructure and Climate Change

GIB contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation by promoting low carbon infrastructure which aligns with a <1.5degree climate change scenario and can withstand the predicted impacts of climate change.

See projects

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Improving Finance for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

GIB contributes to closing the global infrastructure financing gap by providing financing tools for sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects.

See projects

Our Impact

Infrastructure projects improved in terms of sustainability and resilience

Trained municipalities on how to use Nature-based Solutions for climate adaptation

No. Of young people involved in decision-making processes