
A globally applicable label for projects demonstrating significant positive sustainability performance.


The FAST-Infra Label is a credible, consistent, and globally applicable labelling system designed to identify and evaluate sustainable infrastructure projects, with the overarching objective of supporting infrastructure and creating a liquid asset class.


The sustainable infrastructure sector faces a significant challenge: accelerating finance to meet the demands of urbanisation while mitigating climate change. With an estimated annual investment gap of USD 2.5 – 3 trillion, traditional financing mechanisms struggle due to insufficient public funding, data inadequacy, and private sector reluctance. Bridging this gap is crucial for sustainable development and attracting institutional investors. There is a need to transform sustainable infrastructure into a mainstream asset class, closing the trillion-dollar investment gap for a more sustainable future.


The FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure® (FAST-Infra) Label will:

  • Define and measure sustainability contribution and credentials
  • Increase market trust and confidence around the sustainability of infrastructure assets
  • Inform investment decision-making and attract private investment into infrastructure.
  • Encourage new financial product development (e.g. sustainable infrastructure funds and platforms).
  • Enable the development of a secondary financial market (e.g. indices, bonds, securitization).
  • Support alignment with regulatory compliance and disclosure initiatives (e.g. EU Taxonomy, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.

Role of GIB

At COP27, the FAST-Infra Group announced the selection of the Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB) as Secretariat and Bloomberg L.P. as the Data Repository for the FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure® Label. Stemming from efforts initiated by core members such as Climate Policy Initiative, Global Infrastructure Facility, HSBC, IFC, and OECD, the label aims to establish a globally applicable system for identifying and evaluating sustainable infrastructure projects, with the goal of supporting infrastructure as a liquid asset class.

With the selection of GIB and Bloomberg, a strong team is now in place to help move the FAST-Infra Label from endorsement by over 80 institutions and initiatives to global adoption and application.
GIB as the Secretariat of the FAST-Infra Label is refining and maintaining the FAST-Infra Label framework and criteria, enabling alignment with existing standards and initiatives, and engaging market participants in a robust and transparent governance process. We bring independent, credible capabilities in standard-setting, capacity development, technical assistance, and the infrastructure sustainability space and will apply this expertise to the FAST-Infra Label framework and criteria.



Louis Downing

Louis Downing

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Vicky Vouleli

Vicky Vouleli

Legal Advisor

Pablo Nunez

Pablo Nunez

Specialist Associate: Infrastructure and Finance

Nathalie Gaullier

Nathalie Gaullier

Co-Director Infrastructure Quality & Finance

Andrea Betancourt

Andrea Betancourt

Senior Programme Manager

Arshia Karki

Arshia Karki

Project Manager, FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure® (FAST-Infra Label)

Giulio Baroni

Giulio Baroni

Project Manager, Communication Coordinator

Morgane Huchet

Morgane Huchet

Project Manager, FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure® (FAST-Infra Label)

Chengchen Qian

Chengchen Qian

Senior Project Manager

Roger Cruz

Roger Cruz

Co-Director of Infrastructure Quality

Hilda Liswani

Hilda Liswani

Global Relationship Manager of the FAST-Infra Label Secretariat